Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Ten Commandments for a Peaceful Mind

  • Reduce the amount of time you read the newspapers or watch the news on TV.
  • Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people.
  • Don't hold grudges. Learn to forget and forgive. Nurturing ill feelings and grievances hurts you and causes lack of sleep.
  • Don't be jealous of others. Being jealous means that you have low self-esteem and consider yourself inferior to others. This again, causes lack of inner peace.
  • Accept what cannot be changed. This saves a lot of time, energy and worries.
  • Every day we face numerous inconveniences, irritations and situations that are beyond our control. Try to solve them or simply accept them cheerfully.
  • Learn to be more patient and tolerant with people and events.
  • Don't take everything too personally. Some emotional and mental detachment, ability to think and judge impartially and logically, is required.
  • Let bygones be gone. Forget the past and concentrate on the present moment. There is no need to evoke unpleasant memories and immerse yourself in them.
  • Practice some concentration exercises. This will help you to reject unpleasant thoughts and worries that steal away your peace of mind.


Anonymous said...

some thoughts
1) yes, considering the crap thats gets shown in TV/printed in papers, its advisable to avoid the papers.
2)Which concentration exercises do you recommend?
3) #3 and #9 are a bit similar.
4)Patience,Tolerance - nice to haves but tough to follow
5)Have fun!

Unknown said...

meditation is the best exercise one can adapt for improving concentration. it even betters ur lifestyle in many ways by making u more balanced & relieving stress.

breathing exercises is gud 4 health & at the same time is a kind of concentration exercise.

yoga/exercising add up to some level.

coming to patience/tolerance, as we get mentally balanced by practising meditation etc.. these things automatically come in ;)

& yes. have fun.. FUN is life. the moment u stop enjoying things in life.. they become problems.

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure. These things are easier said than done. :D